
Blockchain technology

How does this technology work?

Blockchain is a technology that enables the creation of immutable and secure data records. It works through a decentralised network of computers that maintain an identical copy of the record and validate and agree on the transactions made on the network.

BlockchainEach block on the blockchain contains a record of transactions, and each block is cryptographically linked to the previous block, thus creating an immutable chain of transaction blocks. As each block is connected to adjacent blocks, it is difficult or nearly impossible to manipulate a single block without affecting the entire chain.

The security of the blockchain is due to several factors. First, because the information is distributed throughout the network, there is no single point of failure. In addition, the validation of each transaction is done by the network as a whole, making it impossible to forge or alter information.

In addition, cryptography plays a key role in the security of the blockchain. Each block in the chain is sealed with a unique digital signature that verifies the authenticity and integrity of the information contained in the block. This means that any attempt to modify a block is detected and rejected by the network.

In short, the blockchain is secure because the information is distributed throughout the network, validated by consensus and cryptographically sealed.

This creates a secure and immutable infrastructure for data storage and registration, making it a perfect technology for copyright and intellectual property registration.

Why is blockchain technology secure?

Protecting a trade secret or copyright with's blockchain technology can be considered secure for several reasons:

Immutable and tamper-proof.

Once information is added to the blockchain, it cannot be altered or deleted, making it virtually impossible for anyone to tamper with or steal the information.


The blockchain is protected by advanced cryptographic algorithms that make it difficult for hackers to access the information.


The blockchain is not owned or controlled by a single entity, meaning there is no central point of failure or vulnerability that can be exploited.


Transactions on the blockchain are validated by a network of nodes, ensuring that the information is accurate and reliable.


The blockchain provides an immutable record of all transactions, making it easy to trace the source of any unauthorised access or disclosure.

Emercoin Blockchain works in collaboration with Emercoin to register all copyrights and intellectual property on its public Blockchain.

Emercoin is a blockchain platform. Since 2013 it has developed a wide range of easy-to-use dSDKs. dSDK (Decentralized Software Development Kit) is a set of software development tools that enable the creation of software, services and solutions.

The dSDKs are already implemented in numerous innovative technical solutions built on top of the blockchain. Emercoin offers services that have the potential to change the way different industries operate, providing means for data protection, secure information storage and the creation of distributed services.

The main features of emercoin blockchain are:


emercoin's Name-Value Storage is a simple but powerful concept that allows arbitrary data to be stored within the blockchain. This has already enabled a number of distributed services, starting from a decentralised network.


Although Emercoin supports traditional PoW mining and Bitcoin-merged mining, its core mechanism is Proof-of-Stake mining. This eliminates the "arms race" for mining capacity.


Emercoin will never sacrifice security for flexibility. Unlike "smart" contracts, which have already caused multi-billion dollar scams and compromised security in the past, Emercoin's NVS logic is not Turing-complete and cannot be used to write malicious code.


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