
Absolute Privacy


Absolute privacy in the handling of client files when registering a copyright is crucial because files containing copyrighted works may contain sensitive and valuable information. By ensuring absolute privacy, the confidentiality of the work is protected and unauthorized third parties are prevented from accessing or misusing it.

If client files were exposed or accessible to others, there would be a risk of idea theft.

Cryptography to manage files

The works to be protected must be contained in a digital file and generated in an unmodifiable format.

Using a non-reversible encryption algorithm, creates an encrypted version of the registered documents.

This encrypted version, represented by an alphanumeric code, is recorded on a blockchain that acts as a distributed registry, allowing the data to be stored securely and tamper-proof.

To verify the intellectual property or authorship of a work, it is necessary to check that the encrypted code registered on the platform is identical to that of the original document.

This is because any modification of the original file will result in a completely different code that does not match the one registered in the system.

It is therefore important that owners keep their registered original files safe.

Your content is never checked by anyone

This cryptographic process takes place locally on the user's device, which means that the files never reach the Internet. For this reason, the files cannot be seen by anyone other than their owner. Not even by

This guarantees the integrity of the content of the documents and the absolute privacy of the registration.

Passwordless login system uses a passwordless login or "passwordless authentication" as part of our commitment to digital security and user privacy. This login system uses a link sent by email to enter our platform. This method gives users more control over their personal information than relying on a static password. does not store passwords. By not storing passwords, the amount of sensitive information that could be exposed in the event of a security breach is reduced.

By eliminating passwords altogether, it reduces the possibility of hackers stealing passwords and using them to gain access to users' accounts. This protects users' privacy by preventing unauthorised access to their personal information.


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