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Gabriel Espinoza

Gabriel Espinoza

Last Thursday, March 14, technology enthusiasts gathered at the Park Inn Hotel in San José for a unique event dedicated to the future of Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain technology. Organized by the Colegio de Profesionales en Informática y Computación (CPIC) and CENFOTEC University, the day offered a series of conferences, workshops and networking sessions that managed to inspire and educate all attendees.

The event’s agenda was full and varied, covering cutting-edge topics in the technological field. Among the outstanding speakers were:

  • David Picado Aguilar, Eng., Co-Founder & CEO of GreenChain, who presented the talk “Tokenization of real assets: global and national perspective.”

  • German Quesada Solis, Eng.**, specialist in Business Development and Master in Finance, presented together with David Picado on “Tokenization of real assets: global and national perspective”.

  • Andrés Obando, Eng.**, Senior Engineer at Ernst&Young (EY), presented on “BlockChain and Zero Knowledge Proofing (ZKP): A perfect combination to guarantee privacy and transparency”.

  • Fabricio Espinoza Mora, CEO of enotar.io, presented “Digital Notary: a new paradigm with Blockchain. Real use cases”. Espinoza showed how Blockchain technology is transforming digital notary, addressing practical cases of property registration and copyright.

Fabricio Espinoza - enotar.io CEO - CENFOTEC IA and Blockchain seminar at Hotel Park Inn San José

Fabricio Espinoza (enotar.io CEO) in CENFOTEC IA and Blockchain seminar at Hotel Park Inn San José

A Day of Learning and Networking

The event, which took place from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., allowed participants to immerse themselves in the latest technology trends and developments. Networking sessions provided the opportunity to make valuable connections with industry professionals and experts.

Tomas de Camino Beck - CENFOTEC AI and Blockchain seminar - Hotel Park Inn San José

Tomas de Camino Beck - CENFOTEC AI and Blockchain seminar - Hotel Park Inn San José

Acknowledgements and Conclusions

enotar.io would like to thank the Colegio de Profesionales en Informática y Computación (CPIC) and CENFOTEC University for organizing this enriching event. Participation in conferences of this quality strengthens our commitment to innovation and technological development.

Ignacio Trejos Zelaya Vice-President of CENFOTEC University in AI and Blockchain seminar at the Hotel Park Inn San José - enotar.io

Ignacio Trejos Zelaya Vice-President of CENFOTEC University

This event not only represented an exceptional opportunity to learn about emerging technologies, but also reinforced the importance of collaboration and knowledge sharing in the technology community.

Fabricio Espinoza - enotar.io CEO - CENFOTEC IA and Blockchain seminar at Hotel Park Inn San José

Fabricio Espinoza (enotar.io CEO) in CENFOTEC IA and Blockchain seminar at Hotel Park Inn San José


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