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Gabriel Espinoza

Gabriel Espinoza

Enotar.io is proud to have been part of the sponsors of the vibrant “Nueva Ola Folk Festival”, which took place last Saturday, June 24 at Casa Rojas, Barrio Escalante, San José, Costa Rica. This musical event, organized by NSLM Producciones, stood out for its excellent organization and the quality of the performances.

Vic Pérez - 'Nueva Ola Pop' Festival 2023 - enotar.io

Vic Pérez at 'Nueva Ola Pop' Festival 2023


The festival featured a spectacular line up, including talented artists such as Gabriel Loynaz and Liah Sample, Tori Castro, Angelix, Vic Perez, Tato Quesada, Laura Ureña and DJ Barzo.

Artistas - 'Nueva Ola Pop' Festival 2023 - enotar.io

Line up of 'Nueva Ola Pop' Festival 2023

Each performance was unique, offering the audience an unparalleled musical experience in a cozy and festive atmosphere.

Laura Ureña at 'Nueva Ola Folk' Festival 2023 - enotar.io

Laura Ureña at 'Nueva Ola Folk' Festival 2023

Commitment to the artists

Enotar.io, committed to supporting art and culture, not only sponsored the event but also actively participated in the celebration. Fabricio Espinoza, CEO of enotar.io, had the honor of presenting gift certificates to the participating artists, recognizing their talent and contribution to the success of the festival.

Fabricio Espinoza enotar.io CEO giving certificate to Laura Ureña

Fabricio Espinoza (enotar.io CEO) giving certificate to Laura Ureña

Thanks and Reflections

The Nueva Ola Folk Festival was a memorable night, full of music and joy, and Enotar.io is grateful to have been part of this wonderful experience. This sponsorship reflects our commitment to encourage and support creativity and innovation in all its forms.

We thank NSLM Productions for the impeccable organization and all the attendees for making this night an unforgettable event. We look forward to continuing to support initiatives that enrich the cultural and artistic scene in Costa Rica.

Gabriel Loynaz and Liah Sample - 'Nueva Ola Folk' Festival 2023 - enotar.io

Gabriel Loynaz and Liah Sample - 'Nueva Ola Folk' Festival 2023


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